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Carpet Cleaning
We will clean your entire carpet using our van-powered deep-steam cleaning process. Steam cleaning allows us to clean right down to the base of your carpets without wetting the backing or sub flooring, removing unwanted deep down soil, bacteria, and pollens. High temperatures allows for the effective removal of Dust-Mites and other air borne particles. Our process gives you the best possible service.

Oriental Rug Cleaning and Repair
Oriental/Area rugs can be made by hand or machine. Proper fiber identification is extremely necessary in order to clean the rug as thoroughly as possible without damaging the quality. Clean Response qualified technicians will give them the proper care they deserve. We use a whole line of cleaning agents and stain removers specialty formulated to safely and effectively clean more delicate fibers.

Ozone Treatment
We have been helping realtors and private individuals by removing unpleasant odors from their homes, vehicles, and businesses for years. You may have a house with a tough odor problem that is holding back the enjoyment or sale of an otherwise beautiful home. We offer an alternative to more expensive methods of odor removal. We remove odors as well as dirt, stains, and allergens.

Graffiti Removal
We offer removal of graffiti from almost any surface. We use the most advanced equipment and restoration processes available in the industry. Our methods, combining chemical treatments and pressure washing, are environmentally safe and extremely effective.

Tile and grout
We do what no mop & bucket can ever do….put sparkling life back into your dull and dirty tile & grout. At Clean Response we use specially formulated cleaners, and scrubbing as well as high pressure steam to dissolve and force the dirt out of the uneven texture of the tile and grout. When we’re done, you may think you have a new floor. Clean Response also specializes in the application of products that will enhance the color and beauty of stone as well as sealing its crack and crevices to help it clean up much better in the future

upholstery cleaning
Many carpet cleaners jump into the upholstery/furniture cleaning business because they already have most of the tools and equipment. Unfortunately, many don’t have a working knowledge of correct upholstery care. In general, carpets are far more forgiving than the fabrics used in upholstered furniture. When the wrong cleaning product or too much water is used, severe damage can occur. We only use a solvent based fabric protector to avoid any over wetting concerns. It will protect your delicate fabrics from most household stains, making them easier to remove. It will maintain protection even after multiple cleanings and extended wear.

Call us today for quality cleaning services
We want to provide you with the best service around. Our staffs main goal is to make you happy and satisifed in our services.