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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

The EPA currently has issued guidelines on the reccommended cleaning frequency for upholstery. Until such a guideline has been issued, our company recommends that you have your upholstery cleaned every other time your carpet is cleaned.

Yes, vaccuming is essential to the longevity of your carpet. You should vaccum your carpet as often as possible. There are several good vaccumms to choose from. One of my favorites is Dyson & Hover.

Cleaning frequency is different from household to household but as a rule most folks should have their carpet leaned at least once a year.

Our dry times typically range from 2 – 6 hours. Dry times can be affected by many factors including weather, humidity, and airflow. If you have any fans I strongly recommend you take them out and set them up to speed the drying process.

You can walk on your carpet immediately but it is recommended that you limit traffic until completely dry.

Yes, we use the #1 line of cleaning products in the world. This allows us to guarantee the highest quality job available at any price! Our products are: nontoxic, safe for pets & children, biodegradable, and phpospate free.

Yes, having yout carpet and furniture cleaned removes pollutants and makes for a more friendly breathing enviroment. The Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) highly recommens this to help with indoor air quality.

No, actually dirt acts as an abrasive when trapped in your carpet or fabrics and should be removed to reduce wear. Cleaning will actually extend the life of your carpet.

Yes, most carpet manufactuers recommend that you reapply protector after professional cleaning to restore the original stain resistance. Some manufacurers even require it as part of the warranty on the carpet.

With the cost of replacing carpet being as expensive as it is today, it is always best to try having the carpet professionally cleaned first. It is far less costly and may make a world of difference.

Carpet actually acts like a filter trapping pollutants which are then removed by professional carpet cleaning. As long as a regular cleaning schedule is maintained, carpet provides much better indoor air quality then hardwood.

Call us today for quality cleaning services

We want to provide you with the best service around. Our staffs main goal is to make you happy and satisifed in our services.